Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Care And Naming Of Chihuahua Puppies

Big eyes, big attitude in a teeny body no bigger than a guinea pig – who can resist Chihuahua puppies? Since Chihuahuas are the world's smallest breeds of dog, they aren't going to get too much bigger than their puppy height. But don't just rush out and bring one home. Because of their size, they can be easily hurt. You need to adjust your life and your home around your Chihuahua puppy.

Simply being stepped on can kill a Chihuahua puppy, because they are so small. If you have ever taken care of a hamster, gerbil, rat, mouse or guinea pig, then you already have a good idea of what is involved. Unfortunately, you can't keep Chihuahua puppies in a cage indefinitely, but you can crate them or seclude them in one room if rowdy visitors drop by. Chihuahua puppies think they are immortal, so you need to look out for them.
You need to call your Chihuahua puppy away from potential dangers such as chocolate, cleansers, slug bait, other dogs, laundry machines and even a fall out of a window. Keep treats on you or a special little squeaky toy to reward your Chihuahua puppy for looking at you and then coming over to you. Never hit or yell at the pup after they have obeyed and come over – even if you feel like it. This will teach them that coming to your side will get them smacked or screamed at. Would you want to go near anyone who did that to you?

When Chihuahua puppies run free in the home, being stepped on by a human being can kill them. To prevent this just shuffle or scuff your feet across the floor, never picking them up. Open and close your doors really slowly to avoid a collision with the pup. Check underneath cushions before sitting down. This all becomes second nature after a couple of days.
Keep an eye on your Chihuahua puppy for health problems, especially for vomiting or diarrhea. Because of their small size, they can die of dehydration very quickly. Feed them small frequent meals of quality puppy food for small dogs until they are about six months old, when they can be fed twice a day. People food, especially cow's milk, will give Chihuahua puppies' diarrhea, so avoid them. If you are not sure of what to feed, ask your vet or a Chihuahua breeder.

This might sound daunting, but bringing home a newborn human baby is more work than a Chihuahua puppy. They grow quickly and learn even quicker. With a good name, positive reinforcement and a sense of humor, you will be able to voice train your Chihuahua puppy in a matter of weeks or months. You can't do that with a kid. And they won't drop out of college on you, either.

Dreaming of Chihuahua puppies can become a reality if you find the right breeder. Anyone looking for the best Chihuahua puppy names should keep the moniker smaller than the dog.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Most Adorable Chihuahua Puppy For Sale

When looking for the right Chihuahua puppy for sale, it is important that you have already read up on the history of the breed along with its temperaments so that you are sure that this breed will fit nicely within your home. Before beginning your shopping, you will also want to make sure that you are stocked up on proper Chihuahua puppy supplies so that your new addition to your home will feel welcomed when they first arrive.

And now, once you have fully informed yourself about the important things to know regarding Chihuahua puppies, it is time to carefully consider how and where you will begin your search for a Chihuahua puppy for sale. It is very important that, just like researching the puppy's needs, you research sellers, or breeders, very carefully. There are many reasons why selecting the right place to buy from is important and you never want to end up regretting your decision later.
Now that you are all ready to head out and start looking for that perfect Chihuahua puppy for sale, you need to consider exactly where you are going to look. There are many places that sell Chihuahua puppies but you will want to select a place that can give you a good idea about the puppy itself and what type of breeding home it came from. When looking for a seller, they must have a vast knowledge of their animals and if they don’t then it would be best to look somewhere else.

Even though the convenience of a pet shop is sometimes appealing, it is important that you consider what is truly more important. If the convenience of a pet shop outweighs the benefits of a knowledgeable seller or breeder, then I guess a pet shop would work well but that does not mean that it is the right decision. Pet stores often will not be able to give you any information about the breeder whether it is for reasons of privacy or for the fact that they really don’t know anything about the breeder.
Even if you are not a first time puppy owner, you may still end up having a lot of questions and concerns that can be addressed by small experienced breeders. It is often these smaller breeders, instead of puppy mills, that have the time and the passion to share love and knowledge of this breed with other people. Finding the right Chihuahua puppy for sale is more then just what puppy is the best looking, but it is also about finding a breeder that you feel comfortable with so you can ask as many questions as needed.

Make sure that when you first go to the breeder’s location, you get a good look around to see what the living conditions are for the Chihuahua puppies. The last thing you want is for you puppy to come from a dirty, abusive or neglectful home, as they will in turn be a terror to your home. Many dogs that come from uncaring breeders end up in trouble in their new homes.

Chihuahua puppies can range from mild to harsh behaviors and it all comes down to who bred them. Ask what Chihuahua puppy supplies are really needed and you will be able to get a feel for the breeder who has the Chihuahua puppy for sale.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chihuahua Puppy Care

A Chihuahua puppy can be a great choice of a family pet for many folks, as long as you exercise some caution in deciding where you will get your puppy. Pet stores will advertise, “Chihuahua puppies for sale!” and people will flock to the shop to get their pet. However, pet stores that sell dogs are really nothing more than a broker who is working for commercial breeders and puppy mills that are interested in nothing more than taking your money for a substandard dog. These places do not care about breeding animals that are healthy or well socialized. Purchasing a dog from a pet store is simply asking for trouble.

However, breeders of Chihuahuas are not all created equal either, and you need to be able to determine whether the breeder you select is a reputable one or one that you would be better to stay away from. It is also a fact that some “breeders” offering Chihuahua puppies for sale are merely con-artists that want to take your money and run, but by doing your homework you can protect yourself from these shady types as well.
Finding a breeder is the best way to purchase a Chihuahua puppy for sale, but not all who claim to be breeders really are. To find out for sure, check the registration papers for the mother of your puppy. If the person’s name is on the papers, then he is the legitimate owner of the dog. If not, you are dealing with a broker, which takes you back to the problems listed above.

If you can determine that you are indeed working with the actual breeder, there are then some other red flags to watch for. First, bad breeders will not have veterinarian records for their dogs, often because they are trying to cut corners by cutting back on vet visits. Next, a breeder that does not allow you to see the place where the puppies are being cared for may not be keeping his puppies in a clean environment. Puppies that live in their own waste can be very difficult dogs to housetrain. Finally, no Chihuahua breeder should allow you to take a puppy home until he is at least ten weeks of age, due to the frailty of these small pups.
There are plenty of ways to identify a bad breeder, now let’s look at the ways to recognize a good one. A reputable breeder with Chihuahua puppies for sale will never sell them without ensuring that the people purchasing them will be able to provide them with good homes. It’s not all about the money for a good breeder, but about the betterment of the breed and the best care for the dogs. A good breeder will be willing to take a dog back at any time in the dog’s life because he never surrenders the responsibility of his dogs entirely.

You will know a good breeder because he will let you see where his dogs are raised, and the area will be clean. A good breeder will willingly provide references for you and happily answer all of your questions about his dogs because this shows that you care about the dogs as well. Reputable breeders usually belong to breeder clubs and register all of their puppies with the AKC. By knowing what to look for in a breeder, you are more likely to find a healthy Chihuahua puppy that you can enjoy for many years to come.

Although all Chihuahua puppies are cute, you want to make sure that you get yours from a reputable breeder. If you do your homework in regards to responsible breeding practices and Chihuahua puppy care you will be ready for a long and happy relationship with your new puppy.

Chihuahua Rescue